
How To Animate A Model In Roblox

Roblox Studio features a powerful, born Animation Editor which allows y'all to design and publish custom animations.

Model Requirements

The animation editor tin can exist used for both stock human characters or non-human models, as long as all moving parts are connected with Motor6D objects. Bold your model is uniform, follow these steps to brainstorm creating an animation:

  1. Click the Blitheness Editor push in the Plugins tab.

  1. Select the rig to define animations for.
  2. If prompted, type in a new animation name and click Create in the dialog.
  3. The editor window will open up, showing a tracklist and the animation timeline.

If you lot're new to Roblox animation, it's recommended that you beginning with one of the default rigs created through the Build Rig button in the Plugins tab. These rigs already incorporate the basic parts and mechanisms to build a character blitheness.

Creating Poses

To animate a rig, you'll need to define poses by moving/rotating specific parts similar the caput, right paw, left foot, etc. When the blitheness runs, it will smoothly animate the rig from pose to pose.

Consider a simple animation where a homo graphic symbol turns its head 45° to the left. This animation involves two poses — the initial position of the head (looking forward) and the turned position of the caput (looking left).

To create a new pose:

  1. Motility the scrubber bar to the time/frame position where you want to set the pose, for instance 0:15. Past default, timeline units are expressed every bit seconds:frames and animations run at xxx frames per second, so 0:fifteen indicates ½ second.

  1. Hover your mouse over the rig and click on a part to select it.
  2. Motility and/or rotate the part to the desired orientation. When y'all do so, a track will be created and a new keyframe will exist created forth the timeline, indicated by the diamond symbol.

  1. Go on moving or rotating parts until you get the desired pose. Whenever yous conform a specific part, a keyframe is divers for that function at the selected fourth dimension/frame.
  2. When y'all're ready to preview the animation, press the modest Play button in the upper-left section of the editor window. Animations tin can besides be played/paused with Spacebar.

By default, the timeline displays a elapsing of 1 2d (30 frames), although the animation'due south bodily duration will be adamant by the final keyframe. To add more time to the timeline view, enter a new value in the right-side box of the position indicator:

Working With Keyframes

Once you define bones poses for a rig, fine-tuning individual keyframes can significantly improve the last animation.

Adding Keyframes

Every bit shown in the poses section above, keyframes are automatically added when you alter a part's orientation anywhere along the timeline. In addition, keyframes tin be added as follows:

  • For a unmarried part of the rig, move the scrubber bar to a new position, click the button for a track, and select Add together Keyframe.

  • For multiple parts of the rig, right-click in the region in a higher place the tracks and select Add together Keyframe Hither. Note that the keyframes volition be inserted at the fourth dimension/frame closest to where you click, not at the position of the scrubber bar.

Moving Keyframes

To increment or decrease the amount of time between a keyframe and a neighboring keyframe:

  1. Click on any keyframe in the timeline. Alternatively, you lot can select all keyframes at a specific position past clicking the diamond symbol in the upper bar. Selected keyframes volition be surrounded with a bluish border.
  1. Drag the keyframe(s) left or right into a new position.

Copying Keyframes

A specific keyframe (or keyframes for multiple parts) tin exist copied and pasted to a new position in the timeline.

  1. Select one or more than keyframes as outlined in step #ane of the department above.
  2. Press Command+C (Command ⌘+C on Mac).
  3. Move the scrubber bar to a new position.
  4. Press Control+V (Command ⌘+Five on Mac). The keyframe(s) will be copied to that position.

Deleting Keyframes

1 or more keyframes can be deleted past merely selecting them and pressing Delete or Backspace.

Blitheness Easing

Easing is an important concept in blitheness. By default, a part will motility/rotate from one keyframe to the next in an even, steady move known as linear easing.

Equally yous tin see, linear easing makes the character's kick animation announced stiff and robotic. While that may look advisable for some motions, compare the following video where cubic easing is applied to make the leg animate more than naturally.

To alter easing for i or more keyframes:

  1. Select the keyframe(southward).
  2. Right-click and choose an pick from the Easing Style and/or Easing Management context menus.
Easing Style Clarification
Linear Moves at a constant speed.
Constant Removes interpolation between the selected keyframe and next keyframe (blitheness will "snap" from keyframe to keyframe).
Cubic Eases in or out with cubic interpolation.
Elastic Moves as if the object is attached to a safety band.
Bounce Moves as if the commencement or end position of the tween is bouncy.
Easing Management Description
Out The motion will exist faster at the outset and slower toward the cease.
InOut In and Out on the aforementioned tween, with In at the beginning and Out taking result halfway through.
In The motion will be slower at the beginning and faster toward the end.

Inverse Kinematics

When animating characters, inverse kinematics (IK) tin aid calculate rotations for neighboring joints in social club to get one specific joint to a desired location.

To brainstorm editing an blitheness in IK mode:

  1. Click the IK button in the animation editor.

  1. Near the lesser of the window that opens, click Enable IK.

IK Modes

IK features both Torso Part mode (exclusive to /articles/r6 vs r15 avatars|R15/Rthro rigs) and Full Body way. This can be toggled from the IK window.

Body Role Mode Full Torso Mode
Isolates motility to related limbs. For instance, moving the RightHand part will only affect parts that compose the right arm. The IK solver volition consider all joints when moving a specific part. However, you lot may exclude specific parts from this procedure by pinning them (see beneath).

Pinning Parts

When editing an animation in Total Body mode, y'all can pin a part to get in immovable. In the following video, both feet are pinned and remain stationary while moving other parts, but either human foot tin can still exist straight manipulated.

To pin a specific office, click the pin icon next to its name. Recollect that Total Body manner must be enabled to utilize this characteristic.

To return to "forward kinematics" style, click on Disable IK near the bottom of the IK window. Notation that this will not remove whatsoever manipulations you fabricated while in IK manner — that data will remain stored in whatever keyframes which were created while IK was applied.

Animation Settings


When designing an animation in the editor, you can toggle on the Looping button to make it automatically loop:


In an bodily game, you lot'll probably use unique animations for unlike player actions and states, for instance a leap blitheness and an "idle" animation. Logically, the bound animation should take priority over the idle animation so that characters don't perform both at the same time.

Yous can set one of four priority levels equally follows:

  1. Click the button in the upper-left section of the editor window.

  1. Choose an option from the Fix Animation Priority menu. In a game, if you play an blitheness with a higher priority than one that'south already playing, the new blitheness will override the quondam.

lowest priority

highest priority

Core Idle Movement Activeness

Animation Events

Animation event markers can exist divers across the timeline span and AnimationTrack/GetMarkerReachedSignal|GetMarkerReachedSignal() can be used to detect those markers as the blitheness runs.

Showing Events

By default, the upshot runway isn't visible. To reveal it:

  1. Click the gear button to the right of the timeline.

  1. Select Evidence Blitheness Events. This volition open up the events bar directly below the control bar.

Creating Events

To create a new outcome mark:

  1. Position the scrubber bar at the point along the timeline where the event should occur.
  2. Click the Edit Animation Events button to edit markers at the selected position.

  1. In the popup window, click Add Effect and enter an event name.
  2. In the Parameter field, you can enter a parameter string for the upshot, outlined in more particular beneath.
  3. When ready, click Save to annals the event. In the events bar of the editor, you'll see a new marker symbol at the selected position.

Detecting Events

To detect animation events in a LocalScript, connect a function to the AnimationTrack/GetMarkerReachedSignal|GetMarkerReachedSignal() function of AnimationTrack, for instance:

Equally noted before, you tin specify a Parameter value for whatever event marker within the animation editor. This lets you lot pass a custom string (single value, comma-separated cord, etc.) to the AnimationTrack/GetMarkerReachedSignal|GetMarkerReachedSignal() function as illustrated by the paramString argument in the lawmaking instance above. This string can so exist parsed or converted, if necessary, and used for whatever action you wish to perform in the event.

Cloning Events

As you create events, they become available for usage throughout the animation, non only at the time position where you lot created them. For instance, yous can create a "FootStep" event marker at the point where a grapheme's left human foot touches downwardly, then utilize the aforementioned event when the character's right human foot touches down.

To clone an event:

  1. Click an event marker in the event bar.

  1. Press Control+C (Command ⌘+C on Mac).
  2. Move the scrubber bar to the point where the event should be cloned and press Control+Five (Command ⌘+5 on Mac).

Saving and Exporting

Once you're satisfied with an blitheness, you can either save information technology every bit a KeyframeSequence object or export information technology to Roblox for use in your games.

Saving to Projection

To save an animation equally a KeyframeSequence:

  1. Click the button in the upper-left section of the editor window.

  1. Select Save or Relieve As from the context menu to save the blitheness as a child of the AnimSaves object (itself a kid of the rig).

Exporting to Roblox

To use an animation in an actual game, you must export information technology to Roblox and note the assigned nugget ID.

  1. Click the push in the upper-left section of the editor window.

  1. Select Consign from the context menu.
  2. Decide whether to create a new animation or overwrite an existing one.
  3. Once the upload is complete, you can copy the animation'south asset ID by clicking the "copy" button in the consign window. This ID is required for scripting animations as outlined in /articles/using animations in games|Using Animations in Games .

If your animation will be used for a default Roblox graphic symbol blitheness like jumping or running, as outlined /manufactures/using animations in games|here, you lot must rename the final keyframe End (with a capital Due east). This can exist done by right-clicking the final "select all keyframes" symbol in the upper bar and choosing Rename Fundamental Keyframe.


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